Tim Chow
2012-01-10 02:41:30 UTC
Longtime readers of this newsgroup may recall that back in October
2003, I asked about the following quotation that, in one form or
another, is universally attributed to Lucy Van Pelt:
All you really is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't
I'm sure that Lucy never said this in the comic strip, and probably
never in any TV show or movie either. It's still a mystery to me when
the words were first put in her mouth.
Today, while shopping for birthday cards, I spotted several Peanuts
cards by Sunrise Greetings. One of them had a 1954 Lucy on the cover,
along with the above quote. I also found a card with Linus and a card
with Snoopy. You can see these, and more, by visiting the Sunrise
Greetings website:
Curiously, though most of these quotes seem to be apocryphal, a few
are genuine. The two genuine ones (other than "Good grief," obviously
correctly attributed to Charlie Brown) are:
Snoopy: Life is going by too fast...I think someone pushed the "fast
forward" button. (9 Nov 1981)
Snoopy: To live is to dance, to dance is to live. (24 Nov 1965)
(Actually, on 24 Nov 1965, Snoopy says only "to dance is to live" and
not "to live is to dance." I seem to recall that he did say it both
ways; I'm checking with Marcie D. to see if she can confirm this.)
It seems a little surprising that apocryphal and genuine quotes would
be mixed together, but maybe I shouldn't be surprised. The Christmas
countdown panels usually put new words in the characters' mouths, but
sometimes they use actual quotes from the strip.
Tim Chow
2003, I asked about the following quotation that, in one form or
another, is universally attributed to Lucy Van Pelt:
All you really is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't
I'm sure that Lucy never said this in the comic strip, and probably
never in any TV show or movie either. It's still a mystery to me when
the words were first put in her mouth.
Today, while shopping for birthday cards, I spotted several Peanuts
cards by Sunrise Greetings. One of them had a 1954 Lucy on the cover,
along with the above quote. I also found a card with Linus and a card
with Snoopy. You can see these, and more, by visiting the Sunrise
Greetings website:
Curiously, though most of these quotes seem to be apocryphal, a few
are genuine. The two genuine ones (other than "Good grief," obviously
correctly attributed to Charlie Brown) are:
Snoopy: Life is going by too fast...I think someone pushed the "fast
forward" button. (9 Nov 1981)
Snoopy: To live is to dance, to dance is to live. (24 Nov 1965)
(Actually, on 24 Nov 1965, Snoopy says only "to dance is to live" and
not "to live is to dance." I seem to recall that he did say it both
ways; I'm checking with Marcie D. to see if she can confirm this.)
It seems a little surprising that apocryphal and genuine quotes would
be mixed together, but maybe I shouldn't be surprised. The Christmas
countdown panels usually put new words in the characters' mouths, but
sometimes they use actual quotes from the strip.
Tim Chow